Meditations by John Dean

Monday, April 13, 2020

Are You Still a Dreamer?

(Genesis 37:5)  And Joseph dreamed a dream and told it to his brothers. And they hated him still more.

The mind is an amazing thing because it never seems to stop working. Even when one is asleep the mind continues to work through dreams … or what I call night visions.

The science of dreams is a very broad subject and therefore I would never try to explain all the many types and categories of dreams. The only thing I will say is that dreams and visions, (even though there is a slight difference between the two), are very important to our success in life.  

Even though dreams usually happen when one is asleep, and visions usually happen when one is awake … they can both be prophetic.  You might say that dreams and visions are God’s way of speaking to us through pictures.

As a matter of fact, the Bible says in Proverbs 29:18 that, “where there is no vision the people perish”. In other words, the progression of a dream should lead to a strategy, and the result of a strategy should bring forth a tactical plan, and the result of a tactical plan should bring forth a reality, and the reality is the purpose of the dream in the first place.
What the Bible seems to be saying is that dreaming or having a vision should actually lead to sustaining one’s life. As a matter of fact, no book has ever been written and no battle has ever been won apart from having a vision first.

Joseph’s dreams were so prophetic that his brothers hated him because they could not understand them. When prophetic dreams are interpreted out of season (like Joseph), the results are usually anger and unbelief.  Sometimes prophetic dreams cannot be interpreted until they are fulfilled because it’s then that the revelation of the dream is revealed.

Even though Joseph got in trouble with his brothers for being a dreamer … his ability to interpret dreams is what got him out of trouble with Pharaoh.
My conclusion is that dreaming is a gift from God and should be treated as such. I am not suggesting that every dream is prophetic. What I am suggesting is that every dream should be thoroughly thought out to see if the Lord may be trying to say something to you, are lead you in a particular direction.

Many years ago while on my way to the office I had a vision. The vision was of my future wife who I had never met. In one instant I seemed to know all about her, the color of her hair, her age and that she was a schoolteacher. Upon seeing the vision my reaction was an immediate No!   I said Lord, You know that my mind is not divided and that my life is Yours and Yours alone. Upon saying that the vision left and did not return until I met and married my wife Karen. It was only then the Lord opened my eyes and showed me that the vision He had given me had been fulfilled. 

I was also reminded that the Jewish fathers of old would choose mates for their children. God choose my life mate before He showed me the vision.

Thank you for speaking to us through dreams and visions. We love to see things as You see them. Thank You for showing us paths that we should not go down or to be aware of. Thank You also Lord for showing us blessings that are ahead of us that we can look forward to and walk in.


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