Meditations by John Dean

Monday, February 18, 2013

How Great Thou Art

(Psalms 95:3-6 KJV) For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods. In his hand are the deep places of the earth: the strength of the hills is his also. The sea is his, and he made it: and his hands formed the dry land. O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker.

It really is beyond one’s comprehension to understand any part of the greatness of God. Each time I try, I find myself needing to humanize Him so I can at least understand a portion of His greatness. Even though I have a great imagination, it quickly fails me when it comes to imagining God’s majesty and greatness. The fact is, my mind cannot fathom how big His all-knowing power is…especially when it comes to Him taking notice of me.

It kinda burns my brain to think that the creator of worlds and galaxies...and all the other things that He does...actually knows my name and even every hair on my head. Wow! To make things even more mind-boggling He has even given me access into His throne room.

I may not be able to answer the whys and wherefores’ of God’s greatness, but there are three things that I do know…and they are;

·        Every time I think of Him I want to praise Him
·        There is no doubt in my mind that He loves me
·        My well-being is a high priority to Him

I remember as a young preacher having a job as a carpenter working for a general contractor. The contractor had me putting down molding in a large house he was building. I knew there were others working in the house, but I never paid any attention to them.

I was working in a room by myself one day and I was thinking about the greatness of God. After a while I was so overcome by His presence that I began to softly sing the song, “How Great Thou Art.” All of a sudden I heard another craftsman in the adjoining room who began softly singing the same song with me…but in Spanish. Soon we were both so overcome by the presence of God that we ran out into the hallway at the same time and immediately embraced.

We did not speak the same language, but we communicated through the universal language of love as we celebrated God’s greatness. Even though we never knew each other’s name, we knew we were brothers with the same wonderful Heavenly Father.

That day I learned that no one is ever really alone in their worship of God, because there is always someone listening who needs to join in…even if it is angels.

How big is God? I cannot answer that question, but I do find it extremely comforting to know that He is bigger than my human mind can comprehend.

A boy often says, “My dad is bigger than your dad”…hoping that he is. However, in my case I know that my Father is the biggest of all fathers and I am not ashamed to shout it from the housetops knowing that He will back me up. Thank You Lord for adopting me into Your family. Wow…I do not understand that either.

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